Interested in becoming a BuyQ awarded supplier?


Supplier benefits

Niche Focus


As a GPO exclusively focused on charter and private schools for the last 15+ years, your team gets access to a niche community of school leaders and relationships that BuyQ has cultivated during our time serving this segment of K12. We can help you make sense of the charter and private landscape.

Selective Portfolio


Unlike other GPOs, we make it a point to only hold a handful of contracts in major spend categories. We know the products and services that participating schools value most, and work hard to rigorously identify suppliers that can best meet those needs.

Compliance Driven


Our open, competitive RFP process is overly rigorous to comply with state and federal standards for purchasing (ref. EDGAR 2CRF 200). If awarded a BuyQ contract your company now holds an agreement that allows prospective school clients to skip the RFP process while still maintaining compliance.

Have specific questions? Reach out to our team →

Supplier registration


Fill out the form below to be kept up to date about upcoming and open solicitations (RFPs). Your company will be added to our prospective supplier list.

Please note that completing your registration profile does not automatically mean your company is a BuyQ supplier, nor does it guarantee you will be awarded a contract. Your business must first participate in an RFP and be awarded a contract to become a supplier partner of BuyQ.



Supplier Registration Form