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Join 4,000+ charter & private schools collectively saving $25M each year.

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What is group purchasing?

Group purchasing is a purchasing strategy designed to enable groups of independent buyers with similar needs to combine their purchasing power to get discounts and other benefits on the goods and services they buy. Group purchasing organizations, or GPOs, manage the group purchasing process and negotiate contracts with vendors on behalf of the buyers they represent. A group purchasing contract is simply the agreed upon pricing and other benefits available to GPO participants through a GPO-selected vendor.   

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participating schools


dollars in buying power


years experience

We are committed to helping charter and private schools reduce operating costs through the power of group purchasing,  inspiring innovation and financial sustainability.

Our awarded suppliers 

Staples Logo

Trusted supplier of office supplies, school supplies, and furniture

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CDW Education Logo

Trusted supplier of technology hardware, software, and services

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Grainger Logo

Trusted supplier for facilities, maintenance, and security 

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Completebook Logo

Trusted supplier of books, ebooks, and subscriptions

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School Outfitters Logo

Trusted supplier of school furniture and design

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Hertz Furniture Logo

Trusted supplier of school furniture and design 


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Additional service providers

PEX logo

Monitor and Control Spend

PEX offers a simple way to manage and set controls for teacher and staff purchases. With PEX you gain greater insight into where money is spent, streamline reimbursements, and limit spending to approved vendors.

Learn more about PEX →

HUB logo

Risk Management & Employee Benefits

Work with HUB's dedicated charter school experts to develop a comprehensive risk management and employee benefits plan. HUB is here to help your schools combat rising insurance costs by leveraging unique solutions just for charters.

Learn more about HUB →


Not only does BuyQ deliver substantial time and cost savings, but they also serve as a true advocate for us in the market. When we encountered a challenge with a supplier, BuyQ stepped in immediately and ensured the issue was resolved. Their high level of support and genuine commitment to the success of our schools sets them apart. I wholeheartedly recommend BuyQ to any school seeking a procurement partner.
Lori Craig
Operations Manager at Benjamin Franklin Charter School
As an active participant in a BuyQ RFP committee, I can attest to BuyQ’s diligence in securing the most competitive pricing for schools. BuyQ serves as an invaluable resource, empowering schools to save money and optimize their limited budgets effectively.
Mehmet Bayer
Director of Procurement at YES Prep Public Schools
If you have a question about a purchase, BuyQ will get an answer. You know you’re going to get what you’re buying, and if you don’t, that you have an intermediary to make sure you’re satisfied.
Chad Miller
Chief Business Officer, High Point Academy, Aurora, CO

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By purchasing through BuyQ contracts, you’ll enjoy significant discounts off retail prices and other service benefits.



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