Episode #26 - What’s missing in your enrollment strategy with Vanessa Segovia Barry, Founder of Mariposa Consulting Group
1 min read
BuyQ : Sep 14, 2023 6:54:34 PM
Guest: Bill Knous, Director of School Growth @ The Colorado League of Charter Schools
Colorado League of Charter Schools Bio
Email: bknous@coloradoleague.org
School / Organization: Colorado League of Charter Schools - Website
Topic: Why community engagement should be the foundation of your schools enrollment strategy
Links to Register for League Offerings:
CONNECT Cohort - Enrollment and Marketing
For communications staff, marketing teams, registrars and school leaders. Meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 12:00-1:00 PM, including 9/14/23, 10/9/23 (at the Leadership Summit), 11/9/23, 12/14/23, 1/11/24, 2/8/24 (open office hours), 2/26/24 (at the Annual Conference), 3/14/24, 4/11/24 and 5/9/24. For questions, email communications@coloradoleague.org.
Community Engagement Workshops (Registration available on this page)
This series of community engagement, school recruitment and continuous enrollment workshops is the next step in development for both school leaders and site-based owners of enrollment and community engagement. Because enrollment is a responsibility that can and should be shared across teams, this session will help attendees set a new vision and norm for school recruitment across their school, while deep-diving into a wealth of practices, tools, and frameworks that can be adapted to any context. Focusing on a top-down approach, the goal of this series is to drive best practices that help schools grow, expand and meet enrollment goals. It will provide ample work time for attendees to start putting ideas into motion while developing policies, procedures and strategies.
Tools to Support Community Engagement, Enrollment and Marketing
Charter School Growth Fund - Student Enrollment Playbooks
Colorado League of Charter Schools - School Marketing Playbook
*Credit: Denver School of Science and Technology (DSST) Public Schools